I sit down in my room, alone and lonely, on this friendship day, wondering
about my life- my past and my present; I ask myself whether that it the life
which I had actually wanted to live. The answer comes from within me, in
negative. I had never intended to live in such a way but then why it happened
with me? Why I am the person who is always so lonely and alone?
wish to rewind my life and go back to those times in my life where I was a year
ago. The life which I had lived before was so good and that was that time when
I had actually believed in those relations like love and friendship. But then I
wonder what changed me so much that I have chosen to live in the way I had
never intended. I just keep wondering what changed me so much that I have now
preferred to live alone wholly without even a single friend in my life.
go down to my memory and remember those times I spent with you, with the best
ever person I had ever known in my life, with my best friend, my best buddy but
these memories just make me cry more. Although I don’t want to cry, but still
tears keep falling off from my eyes like a stream of water newly generated from
those happy memories. I remember those times when we actually meant so much to
each other; when talking to each other even for hours did not complete our
talks; when wishing each other first on every eve was a habit; when a single
drop of tear from my eyes made you cry too and when a simple but genuine smile
on my face meant your world to you. But with that phase of my life being over,
I feel that my life itself has actually come to a halt.
you being in my life, I had spent each and every moment happily and cheerfully
but with you gone, even the happiest of moments can’t make me smile genuinely.
I don’t just know where actually my life is heading to this way but then I feel
had I been a bit sincere about our friendship, I would still have had you, the
most precious possession I had ever had, with me, by my side. I look down onto
my mobile phone every now and then wondering whether you’ll at all care to text
me wishes for the friendship day but then with no hopes, I just switch it off.
don’t know what has happened between us in some time but truly, life does
actually mean to live with the memories because it is, in reality, those happy
memories which is making me live now. But then, I also live with that hope that
someday at least, you’ll feel a bit of emptiness in your life and want me back
too. I prefer to live with this hope wondering if at all it will ever come
on my bed, thinking of you…
you are, how you have been...
me, in your life…
you happy now? Are you free..?
back to me please... Come back to me…
am hoping that someday, you'd change your mind
or later that you'd realize my value…
you so angry? Why you so mean?
you see that you're hurting me…?
please... Come back to me
teardrops from my eyes…
you hear them? Can you feel me sigh?
am falling down, falling so deep
back to me please… Come back to me…
am all locked up, full of thoughts…
you, inside my mind…
feel the pain digging in more and more…
my soul, running through my veins…
can’t you feel my pain… Come back to me please…
you can help me... only you can heal me
you can bring life back to me…
you own me, you hold the key..
unlock me and make me yours....
back to me… Come back to me please… </3 L